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Machining center with 4 NC-controlled axes for machining aluminum, steel, light alloy and PVC components on 4 sides. The machine has a strongly ribbed base in electro-welded steel with a rotating beam and mobile upright. Thanks to its sturdiness and stability, it guarantees high quality workmanship and reliability over time.

The operating group consists of an inverter-controlled 4 kW electrospindle at 24.000 rpm and is equipped with an ISO30 tool attachment to perform machining combining high finish and high precision. Rumba it is equipped with an automatic tool change device with a 10-position magazine. The work table has rotation controlled by NC and is equipped as standard with 4 double action pneumatic vices. The stroke of the X axis is 3.000 mm (optional extension to 4.000 mm), while that of the Y axis is 400 mm.

It is possible to perform machining on longer pieces than the X-stroke. The operator interface is on PC-Windows with a 17” color screen. The machine is equipped as standard with safety and protection devices in compliance with CE regulations.

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